The Aviation Whipsaw: Who Wins and Loses in a Chaotic, Fragile Market?

Economic fragility, long-running supply chain woes, long lead times, and labor. These are just a few forces exerting massive pressure on aviation.

In this highly chaotic market, operators and suppliers have been put through the whipsaw, and that shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. With the new aircraft market still heavily backed up, ripples are being felt across the entire industry – especially in leasing.

Anyone taking delivery of aircraft is making hay while the sun shines, and ultimately, the prevailing market conditions will catch up.

Under such pressure cooker conditions, who wins, who loses and who should be worried?

In this episode, partner at Split Rock Aviation, Andy Mansell returns to share how market pressure is affecting the industry, and what the near future holds.

In our industry, there’s no such thing as an overnight fix. You can implement an overnight fix, but it takes a long time for that to flow through. -Andy Mansell

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

-New aircraft…it gets worse before it gets better

There was major supply chain pressure even before covid hit. What does this mean for the near future of new aircraft?

-The market will resolve itself…

A lot of levers are being pulled to meet the market demands, but will it be enough?

-Freight ain’t for the faint of heart

Could the cargo market help steady businesses or is it just too challenging a niche to explore?  

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