7 Things We Can Learn From Patrick Mahomes

I’m a Texas Tech guy. And, because I’m a Texas Tech guy I’m now a pseudo Kansas City Chiefs fan because the young quarterback I watched every Saturday is now lighting it up every Sunday.

But it’s more than just raw athletic talent that makes Patrick Mahomes shine on the football field. There are a few things he can teach us in business, too.

1. Strong Family: His parents and younger siblings have been an active and positive influence in his life. They both guide and allow him to guide.

Do not underestimate the importance of family.

2. Strong Partner: He has a strong, positive, 8+ year long relationship with his high school sweetheart who is also his biggest fan. He supports her successful career in equal fashion to her support of his.

A supportive spouse / partner is a huge asset.

3. Great mentors: His dad, a professional baseball player, gave him to have access to the dugout, teams, and field. It is amazing what is learned by hanging out with winners.

Find and network with the RIGHT people.

4. Lust for Learning: Mahomes will sit for hours with coaches, watch game films, and make mental notes. He’s always learning. It’s a trait very similar to Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates who all claim their key to success is an insatiable desire to learn.

Learning never stops.

5. He’s Coachable: The lust to learn turns into coachability.  

Good teachers like to work with motivated students. Motivated students learn quickly.

6. Humble, Gracious, Appreciative: He speaks not of his success but that of the people around him. Yes, he’s an amazing athlete. But he’s surrounded by great players and coaches, too.

Be humble and appreciative of those who support you.

7. Invested: He’s fully invested in the community and organization that are now investing in him. 

Being THERE is more important than you think.

No, few of us have incredible, God given athletic talents. Very few of us had the privilege of hanging out with the New York Mets as kids, either.

But we can show up, pick good friends, grow stronger relationships, find great mentors, and become great students who are coachable invested. We can also become great parents, mentors, and teachers, too. 

And, when we do find success, we can be humble and thank those who helped us get there. 

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