The Power of Storytelling to Enhance a Career

Storytelling is powerful!

This past weekend, I picked up a Harlan Coben novel. It had me hooked from the first page. The plot twists, the characters, the suspense—it was engaging!

After finishing that, I dived into another book by my friend George Dom, and a few weeks ago, I read “Blind Man’s Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage.” These books had one thing in common: they were full of compelling stories that captured my attention and drew me in.


Great stories are powerful. They make us think, reflect, and connect with the people within them, whether real or fictional.

But then comes Monday, and I find myself sifting through ten resumes.

Most of them? B-O-R-I-N-G.

Bullet point after bullet point:
“Attended Tradeshows”
“Managed Processes”
“Called on Customers”

Not interesting. Not engaging. And honestly, not very informative either.

Where’s the story?

The most captivating books are written by people who have stories to tell.

They know how to craft narratives that resonate, draw you in, and make you want to learn more.

Well, guess what? You are one of those people. You have a story too.

Your career isn’t just a list of responsibilities and achievements. It’s a journey filled with challenges, successes, lessons learned, and moments that shaped who you are. Your story is unique, and it’s yours to tell.

When you’re writing your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or even preparing for an interview, don’t just list what you did—tell your story.

Highlight the moments when you made an impact. Describe the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Share the passion, creativity, and drive that have fueled your career.

People connect with stories. Stories make you memorable because YOU are a story worth telling.

So, take a page from the authors of those books that captivate us. Be the storyteller of your own career.

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