Who is THE GUY In Your Organization

Who’s THE GUY in your organization?

The Navy brass never fully appreciated “Bug“…

Passed over for promotion and relegated to some less than choice assignments early in his career he was never going to command a ship or a squadron or become a Navy Admiral.

Maybe he was just “too out there” for the Navy to handle. Maybe it was just his “easy going style”… which was actually laser focus masked in a different suit.

But what the Pentagon didn’t see in him, everyone else did – junior Naval Aviators, Flight Officers, Commanding Officers of aircraft carriers and combat air wings.

Because he was just one of those professionals you automatically respected. When Bug spoke, EVERYONE listened!

If your airplane was on fire or in distress, it was Bug who was bringing you back aboard.

If you had a bad night landing behind the ship, it was Bug flying helping to restore your confidence.

If it was a dark night over Iraq… Bug was flying lead.

Anyone and everyone who ever had the pleasure of meeting him automatically liked AND, more importantly, trusted him.

In Naval Aviation circles he became legendary. Just type “John Bug Roach” into a YouTube search and you’ll soon discover why.

Throughout the years I’ve met countless executives, company CEOs, senior military and General officers and people who had very successful careers. Despite the success… I can’t remember 90% of their names.

Bug, on the other hand, was “the guy!” Just a mid-level pro with the right stuff who people never forgot.

To me it’s a fascinating phenomenon…

Inside every organization there is a Bug Roach who provides 100x in value to what you’re paying them and has earned the respect of everyone on the floor.

But for whatever reason (no MBA, wrong school, single parent, nameless offensive lineman protecting Tom Brady, etc.) they’re overlooked and discounted by those at the top, which is a mistake.

So… the question becomes;

Who is the “Bug” in your operation?

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