From Vacancy to Hire in 60 Days

That’s a bold commitment, to be sure.  And we’re often asked the question:  “C’mon… can you REALLY deliver the kind of executive I’m looking for in 60 days?”  Well, we can and we do, and here’s how…

You may have noticed on our new website a section devoted to Candidate Development.  At NorthStar, we’re continually working both sides of the executive placement transaction. We’re talking with client companies about their strategies, goals and executive talent needs.  And we’re reaching out to and following professionals who are making a name for themselves in our industry.  We engage with these fledgling all-stars long before clients come to us asking for our help in identifying and selecting the best candidates for open leadership positions within their organizations.

So, when the time is right, when the opening occurs, NorthStar is ready… and so are the candidates we propose.  In most instances, we are able to provide an initial slate of prospects within 10 days of being retained.  That group of achievers includes only those candidates we are confident are “right and ready” for the job — candidates who match the client’s qualifications, who have a proven track record of success in their discipline, who have the grit and temperament for the job and who will mesh well with the client’s culture.  We’ve come to know our candidates long before their first placement with us, so clients don’t waste time winnowing out the unqualified.

We work with both parties throughout the selection process — facilitating interviews, ascertaining and addressing the needs of both client and candidate, assisting with offer sheets and more.  We are there for both client and candidate throughout the placement. 

Every hiring transaction needs a facilitator and that’s precisely the role that NorthStar plays and the value we deliver, and why we can make the claim “from vacancy to hire in 60 days”. 

A smart hire begins with a conversation.  Let’s talk.

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