Integrity and Intensity: How to Address the Inefficiencies of Part 135

Part 135 aviation has been plagued with inefficiency from the very start and there are numerous things that tank the productivity and profitability of operators. There is a way AI and blockchain technology can be leveraged to optimize every aspect of the business, without losing the human element. But it’s not just about using tech […]
The Only Way to Make Money in the Charter Business
Operating airplanes is a TOUGH business! Complicated machines, delicate financing structures, ever changing asset values, and other complexities that can tank even the best run operations. This is why it’s impossible to democratize business aviation. Because owning a business jet company is sexy, it is easy to become overly emotional and focus on what makes […]
Up in the Air (Longer): Why the Aviation Aftermarket is White Hot Right Now
What happens when the aviation industry faces the gargantuan task of catching up to a constrained supply chain? The opportunity shifts. Everyone has accepted the reality that manufacturing is highly limited and that planes have to fly longer, so the aftermarket is white hot. If you own IP and you’re driving the aftermarket, you’ll be […]
Everyone’s Got a Headache: The Biggest Challenges in Aviation Right Now
Before the pandemic much of the industry ran on cruise control. Unfortunately, covid and the post-covid era exposed a lot of underlying weaknesses. From raw materials shortages to labor and production, everyone has a headache and there’s not enough aspirin to go around. Before new solutions can be found the real challenge is stabilizing the […]
The State of Charter: Why the Covid Sugar High Continues to Be a Positive for the Industry
Covid drove the demand for charter aviation off the charts. Undoubtedly, we saw a sugar rush, and even though it’s tapered off, the industry is still benefiting from that peak. Private aviation is spoken more of a lot more as a solution, and the audience is more educated about it than ever before. Where does […]
We’re in a Bifurcated Market: Everyone’s Thriving Except Boeing
During the pandemic, aviation was in a world of hurt and it took a long time to recover. Now that we’re out of that, everyone is making money…except Boeing and anyone tied to them. If you’re a well-run company, executing at a high level, you’re benefiting from the industry bounce back. If you’re programmatically connected […]
It’s Not Just Pilots: The Aviation Talent Shortage & How to Solve It
There’s an acute talent shortage in aviation, and it’s not just being felt in flight departments. From pilots to maintenance and leaders, the industry is short-staffed, and solving this issue requires an all-in, concerted effort from all organizations and stakeholders. At the heart of our talent shortage is a crisis of leadership, and the hard […]
Delta, Wheels Up & A Huge Shot in the Arm: The State of Business Aviation
The frothiness of the covid market in business aviation may be in the rearview mirror, but that doesn’t mean the space has slowed down. We’ve certainly come down from the rabid highs, but we’re still hovering above pre-pandemic levels in terms of activity. From the Wheels Up/Delta deal to competition in big cabin jets and […]
How to Collect and Leverage Data So It Actually Makes Your Business Better
Data, data, and more data. The issue isn’t a lack of data but the inability to use it effectively. It could be a challenge of interoperability, formatting or turning the data into motivation across the organization. The truth is: there’s a real art to utilizing the intelligence a business already has. What can we do […]
This Will Be the Greatest Leap in Aviation Since Analog to Digital
It’s an exciting time to be in the business of aviation. The industry finds itself at the confluence of exciting and game-changing technologies and innovations. The advancement of electric propulsion, the evolution of eVtol, and the massive increase in computing power. All these changes are creating a leap forward akin to the revolutionary jump from […]