Setna iO’s Success Strategy: Soaring Through Aviation’s 20-Year Supply Crisis

Running a fast-moving parts-trading business with 200 employees. Maintaining a hawk-like focus on demand, every line item and deal that crosses your desk. Capturing every last dollar of value across the supply chain.

These aren’t easy things to do simultaneously but that’s what it takes to succeed.

David Chaimowitz, CEO of Setna iO has achieved this and more in just 7 years and his company is not showing any signs of slowing down.

He also feels his company is perfectly positioned to continue on this upward trajectory as many industry experts believe that the season of supply chain woes is almost over. David certainly begs to differ.

The global fleet has a long term supply shortage and the industry will be feeling the pain for decades to come as Boeing and Airbus struggle to increase production to meet demand.

How did Setna iO’s journey begin and how have they set themselves up for success? Why will it be hard for the supply chain shortage to resolve in a few years? In this episode, we’re joined by the founder and CEO of Setna iO, David Chaimovitz. He talks about what it’s like running a fast-moving, highly-caffeinated parts-trading business and where the opportunity is right now.

I’m confident that there will be an aircraft shortage 15 years from today because of the issues that started 5 years ago. If we can go out and buy aircraft, that will work out pretty well for us. -David Chaimovitz

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

-Don’t let inventory nuke your business

Covid revealed a lot of the weaknesses of businesses in the industry. How is Setna iO structured to prevent catastrophe?

-What it takes to thrive in the parts-trading game

Setna iO might be a business that specializes in selling parts, but pattern recognition and opportunity-spotting are more important than being good at sales.  

-A 20-year crisis

Many people believe that the industry’s supply chain issues will soon be a thing of the past. Could the shortage of aircraft actually be a problem we’ll feel for decades?

-Growth with guardrails

How does Setna iO maintain discipline in a fast-moving, rapidly-changing and often chaotic market?

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