Seven Nation Army & The Power of Simplicity Executed Really Well

If you ask most people what it takes to succeed, they’ll come up with an elaborate, overly complicated, multi-step formula, but that’s wholly unnecessary and even detrimental. All it really takes is executing a few simple concepts very well.

Think about Seven Nation Army – it’s basically 7 notes and a steady drum beat, but it works because it’s performed impeccably.

Our careers are exactly the same. A few essentials are enough to move the needle, and the more we perfect them, the better off we’ll be.

In this episode, we talk about the 3 simple levers to a Million Dollar Career.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

-Why text and email are for amateurs
Do we create unnecessary complexity by not doing the simple act of picking up the phone and calling someone?

-The problem with having too many steps in your plan
What does Tom Brady teach us about the power of executing a few key things really well?

-How to uncomplicate anything
How can we use the 5 Ws formula to make it easier to plan anything?

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