Post & Pray Isn’t Good Enough: How to Attract & Retain Top Talent
Most organizations don’t put enough time into the culture and mindset that makes them a great place to work and they miss out on talent because of it. It’s one thing to post a job and wait for applicants to start rolling in. It’s another thing to proactively make your company a destination – a […]
Employers, Stop Working Off Old Data and Know the Market We’re in Now
We’ve all heard about the massive lay-offs at Google and Facebook, but what you probably haven’t heard is how quickly those employees were able to find new jobs. It just goes to show that when it comes to high quality talent, the power isn’t on the employer’s side. Many companies are still working off old […]
6 Reasons Why People Leave An Organization & How to Stop the Bleeding
When people think of what motivates a person to quit their job, money is the first thing that comes to mind, but very often it’s not even at the top of the list. The reasons people leave an organization go far deeper than monetary gain, there’s usually a lot more they aren’t getting from their […]
Quiet Firing: The Other Side of Quiet Quitting & Why It’s Just As Bad
There’s a lot of passive aggressive behavior in the working world right now, and doing the bare minimum isn’t just something employees do – companies do it too. Quiet firing is the practice of slowly freezing out an employee hoping they self-select out, instead of just facing the issues head-on. It’s dishonest, unproductive and wholly […]
How Can We Help Veterans Transition Back to Civilian Life?
Over the last 2 decades, the needs of veterans have come into the spotlight more than ever before, and there’s still a huge need to understand the challenges that come with military service. How do we make the transition out of service less difficult? What can civilians and the private sector do to better support […]
What Does a Great Employer-Employee Relationship Look Like?
Over the last few years, what people expect from an employer-employee relationship has shifted significantly, and leaders have to keep up. The days of the traditional clock-in-clock-out, 9-5 job are over. People want real meaning, equity and trust out their companies. How do we progress towards happier workplaces? What are the employees of today seeking […]
150th Episode Special: Do This to Break Open New Opportunities in Life & Business
Once in a lifetime opportunities and massive breakthroughs don’t happen by accident – they are a direct byproduct of how we position ourselves. The next great career move could be one conversation or one even question away, but if we’re complacent or comfortable in what we know right now – it will always be out […]
Recruiting 101: This is What Your Company Should be Doing to Become the Employer of Choice in Your Industry
When it comes to investing in recruiting A+ talent, most companies talk a big game, but just don’t do enough to really appeal to those heavy hitters in the job market. Where are they going wrong? From unexciting job listings to an unwillingness to pay for the best, we’re seeing employers make various mistakes, and […]
How to Build the Kind of Team that Takes Your Business to the Next Level
In order to build a successful, scalable business that sets us free, we have to first build a really great team. Our teams and the way they operate dictate the success of our organizations, and most of us know that. However, when it comes to building those teams, most of us just don’t know what […]
How to Help Your Organization Emerge Victorious from The Great Resignation
If there’s one thing that could characterize our present moment, it’s a general sense of unhappiness. People just aren’t content in their jobs anymore, and as a result, they’re quitting en masse. Thus, The Great Resignation. What’s behind this general discontent and what can we do about it? Is there a simple solution or do […]