In order to build a successful, scalable business that sets us free, we have to first build a really great team.
Our teams and the way they operate dictate the success of our organizations, and most of us know that. However, when it comes to building those teams, most of us just don’t know what we don’t know.
So, how can we build the kinds of teams that allow us to create the businesses of our dreams?
In this episode, author, speaker and serial entrepreneur, Carl Gould reveals the 7 stages of growing a great business, and the 2 stages guaranteed to help you assemble an unstoppable team.
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
-One thing we tend to forget when building teams
Could promoting our best players actually do more harm than good to our organizations?
-The key to attracting top talent
Are we missing out on a crucial factor when trying to recruit the best players in the game?
-Why turnover isn’t always a bad thing
No one likes the thought of losing employees, but could high turnover actually be the best thing for our businesses?