3 Ways Guaranteed To Get You The Big Promotion

Everyone wants to land that big promotion, but when it comes down to snagging the role, many of us find ourselves stuck.

So, how can we get unstuck?

What would it take for us to impress the leadership in our organizations so much so that we’re the natural choice, when it comes to promotions?

In this episode, Robert Houghton and I unpack the 3 ways to get unstuck, so you can finally land that million dollar career.

“Tearing ideas down for the sake of it is worthless. Always come armed with a solution.” -Craig Picken

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

How to be a solutions-based devil’s advocate
Where do we draw a line between pointing out potential flaws and just being a pain in the neck?

Why we need to communicate both down and up the line
It’s one thing to communicate with those we’re tasked with managing, but how can we get better at speaking with those in leadership positions?

The importance of tracking our personal achievements
If we’re not advocating for ourselves, who is going to advocate for you?

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