Does the Little Guy Hold All the Cards Now?

Once upon a time in aviation and defense, tier 1 operators held all the cards and led all the innovation. Now the days of “you need us more than we need you” are squarely in the rearview mirror and smaller operators have a lot more power than they ever did before.

In a supply-constrained environment, the big operators rely on every single deliverable from small operators to keep their lines afloat. In terms of innovation, it’s no longer the Boeings, Airbuses, and big OEMs leading in the adoption of new technologies.

What does this mean for the future of the whole industry? Could this lead to disruption?

In this episode, Executive Business Editor at Aviation Week Network, Michael Bruno returns, and we discuss what’s going on in aviation and defense and the innovation storm headed our way.

There is a tremendous amount of opportunity for suppliers to grow and really shine in a supply constrained environment. -Michael Bruno

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

– The shift in aviation power dynamics
In such a supply chain constrained environment, do the tier-1 operators need the smaller guys more than they need them?

– Business aviation, from zombie industry to profitable powerhouse
Have the last few years brought many ailing sectors back from the brink?

– Getting Boeing back on track
There’s no way Boeing will emerge from this decade the same, what can we expect to change? 

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